Please provide information about the general design and appearance of your site.
Indicate if you have a preferred navigation method (exp,horizontal vs vertical menus,button styles,...)
Specify Your preferred color scheme.
Indicate if there are graphics (eg,logo,...)that must be used.also indicate if new graphic elements must be created.
New Sites:Check the boxes below for the basic pages you will need. List and briefly describe (intext area below) other pages that you will need.
Would you write your own articles / Content for your site?
Do you want your website to use a CMS system? ( This is recommended as it will prove more cost effective For you in the long run by having a simple system in place To help you make edits to web content yourself.)
Would you like Google Analytics set up on your website to enable you to get information on traffic and user activity?
Select 'Yes' if your site will include online sales
Enter the approximate number of products:
Check if needed:
The address of your website on the Internet is called your 'domain name' (for example, ''). Your website files will be located on a hosting service's computer.
This section has to do with how to manage your site after it is completed. Some site owners prefer to make changes to their site themselves. One way to do this is to include an 'administrative' function to the website during development. This involves creating web pages that allows the site owner to make changes to website pages or manage the information in a database. Administrative Capability
Select 'Yes' if you want to include an administrative capability
If you have a start date please enter it here.